Oh man, this blog is so RANDOM!!
Oh wait, no it's not- since I decided to write it and therefore have to put thought into syntax, diction, thinly veiled euphemisms and an
overwhelming use of hyperbole.
Thst's because nothing is as random as people think it is. I'm not about to go off on how we, everyone in the world, are intermingling and how nothing that happens is an accident in the grand scheme of "Fate" or "Destiny." That's boring and stupid.
I'm mostly writing about "Randomness" because it's so annoying when people act all crazy on purpose and call it RANDOM! "Random" doesn't equal "interesting." If anything it equals "You're trying too hard to get attention." It always seems like the things people do or say to be random are the things that obviously look the most planned out anyway.
I also hate it when I say something and a person goes "well that was random." No it wasn't random, you just don't understand anything I'm saying or even how conversations work.
It's the same thing with "hyper." You know, when someone starts jumpin' around and goes "Damn, I have SO much energy! I'm so HYPER!" (this is often times followed by a slight scream, or maybe some jumping in place, or a suggection of going for a quick
jog down a crowded block). It always looks so posed and fake. If you're like me, you have probably done or said something like this in your dark and regret filled past. Hopefully you feel an intense shame like what I feel everythime I see or hear someone call themselves or their friends CRAZY or random or hyper ("omg, my friends are so crazy! I love them so much- they are like
the best. They say the most funny, random things!").
Okay, so this is a point point I've mada many times, but I just had to reiterate. You aren't being random, you're trying to be cool, and that, to me, is just kinda sad and really boring and unimpressive.