Sunday, May 13, 2007

Saturday Night Lock Down

I'm not in high school anymore, so I did feel kind of weird being at the Harbor High cast party to begin with. Lidia, Sara and i went to the musical (er, the second half) and after gave Natalie and her friend a bottle of Bacardi and a ride to this house far out in the mountains. After being there for a while and getting tired of carrying around all our beer, we decided to put it back in the car and make trips.

So, we've got purses full of beer and are about to walk back up this awful, long, hilly driveway to the house, when Lidia realizes she doesn't have her keys. We look in her bag, but find the keys locked in the car. A copy of that key doesn't exist, we wouldn't be able to tell AAA where we even were and there is really no one we can call.

We look around and it couldn't be more perfect in terms of tools to usefel for window-breaking purposes. There were big rocks, cinderblocks and even an axe. I knew there had been a reason that I had on glasses. I picked the axe and slammed it into the back window on the driver's side.

Glass went everywhere! We scraped a lot of it out of the car but it was impossible to get all of it. Somehow, i managed to cut the top of my thumb. It was really awkward to have to walk up that drive way and have people be totally grossed out my bloody stump of a thumb, but shout-out to Andrew (who will totally be reading this) who helped me find a hose to wash the glass out.

So, having to break into our own car was kind of a buzz kill, so we left to go vacuum the glass up. Whatever, if it hadn't been Lidia's car, breaking the window would have been really fun.

I'm really hadcore, like this guy.


brian said...

This is the best story I've heard about the cast party.

but then again, the only other one I heard involved Jacob getting punched in the face after he threatened someone with his flame thrower.

KHoltaway said...

why do I have a name on this thing?? What the hell??