Monday, July 30, 2007

i find his voice soothing...

Lately, I've been finding myslef looking forward to Mondays. Monday means working and the the end of the weekend, just like during any other time, but I still like them. Mondays means the new This American Life podcast. I seriously love it. If you've never taken the time to listen to This American Life, you have to! It's been around since 1995 and has almost 1.7 million listeners a week (so I'm not going to pretend like I'm exposing you to this amazing new thing or whatever). I used to think it was hard to get in to, but the more I listened, the more interesting and enthralling it was. And usually is. I know Summer from the OC called This American life 'that show where they make regular people sound interesting' and it's true, and in many ways, I think that's the best part about it.

You can even watch it. I wish I had Showtime...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I didn't know what it was. That used to make sense during the summer, but summer is nearly over and I still haven't been paying attention. Working, sewing, reading, drinking, baking, riding, sleeping, not drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes or making any effort to talk to people (excpetions-you know who you are?). That about sums it up for me, but (mostly) it's enough to distract me. Whatever... I hope you're having the best summer of your life.

Oh yeah- And the summer song is still just as elusive as it was two months ago. What is up with that?!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Feel Less Wise Already...

I got my wisdom teeth out almost a week ago. It's like the biggest thing that's happen to me in the past few days so it's practically all I talk about to people when I see them around. Sadly this is a very boring subject for people to hear about. About as boring as it is to go through! But, now that I'm moving up from mashed potatoes and thai noodles things are looking up (see- this is boring!!!) and I'm left with a little stash of vicodin and a new show to watch obsessively:

Who has the DVDs!?! Holler at me...

Monday, July 9, 2007

For your "Safety"

Drug tests are such a joke. I'm not a stoner. Seriously, I'm not. I'm also not a total newcomer to weed though and summer so far has felt rather long and appropriate for mild usage (am i right? am I right?). First I was worried when I found out that I would be required to take a drug test for my newest job but it was really all for nothing. A week drug free and about a gallon of water will pretty much put anyone in the clear, apparently. It's so pointless, but hopefully the world will feel safer knowing that a druggie hasn't been helping them.

Also, my brother recently got a ticket while riding his bike. He rode through a crosswalk while someone was walking through the other end of it. Again, I hope that the world feels much safer now that he is $411 poorer. Surely we can all learn a valuable lesson on the importance of bike safety and the glorious and just legal system that will fine bikers more than they would drivers speeding 40 miles over the limit. I will be able to sleep easy tonight. Beware all you bike enthusiasts who don't feel the need to stop at stop signs at the bottom of hills or who are crazy enough to ride anywhere downtown, among many other possible bike related infractions. Justice will be served!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Sometimes I find this band obnoxious, but I like this song and the video was all too fitting for this latest "holiday". This song is actually making me interested in the "upcoming" album...

I have to say that the 4h of July is pretty much the lamest American drinking holiday because it thinks it's better/more than a drinking holiday, when it totally isn't. And to be honest, what is with the fireworks? Maybe America is just really into blowin' stuff up for no reason? blahblahblahmildlypoliticalblahblahblah peace out.