Monday, July 9, 2007

For your "Safety"

Drug tests are such a joke. I'm not a stoner. Seriously, I'm not. I'm also not a total newcomer to weed though and summer so far has felt rather long and appropriate for mild usage (am i right? am I right?). First I was worried when I found out that I would be required to take a drug test for my newest job but it was really all for nothing. A week drug free and about a gallon of water will pretty much put anyone in the clear, apparently. It's so pointless, but hopefully the world will feel safer knowing that a druggie hasn't been helping them.

Also, my brother recently got a ticket while riding his bike. He rode through a crosswalk while someone was walking through the other end of it. Again, I hope that the world feels much safer now that he is $411 poorer. Surely we can all learn a valuable lesson on the importance of bike safety and the glorious and just legal system that will fine bikers more than they would drivers speeding 40 miles over the limit. I will be able to sleep easy tonight. Beware all you bike enthusiasts who don't feel the need to stop at stop signs at the bottom of hills or who are crazy enough to ride anywhere downtown, among many other possible bike related infractions. Justice will be served!


Stuff on my Bryn said...

Justice is the jam!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.