Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hip! Hip!...

What is the deal with "Hippies?"
Yesterday, in honor of the tackiest "holiday" known to the world we went to the campus to smoke and be typical. We wondered around campus for a while and found ourselves under this tree with twenty five or so neo-hippies gathered in a circle smoking. Everything about the situation was too fitting. Uncomfortable looking fabrics, gross looking hair, the sheer quantity of weed. The perfect moment though, came when the biggest joint I have ever seen was taken out of a red-yellow-green hemp backpack and presented to the circle. And then the digital cameras came out. At least 12.

What the fuck?! And then I remembered that all these "hippies" have rich parents who send them to expensive schools and buy them digital cameras and baisically fund their drug habits.

This "subculture" doesn't stand for anything, but they've built an image around beliefs and that is so annoying.
I saw the Tripper and it was the same thing. It was llike a remark on society, except that society isn't really alive anymore. I think that there is no such thing as the modern hippie.

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