Wednesday, April 25, 2007


It's true. What is with stupid I-don't-even-know-what-you-are "GlamourxCorexScenexHipster" people who have hideous hair!?!?!? Is everyone familiar with this hair style (if you can call it "style")? The choppy, trying to look like you didn't make your hair do it's stand-up-thing with the streaks of bright colors.
It all looks the same! And it's trying to be different but BUT EVERYONE HAS THAT HAIR CUT! It's like, did you all myspace eachother to make a date when to do your hair together. Oh what really does it for me is that boys AND girls both sport the look. It's soooo cute when you and your boyfriend share the same hairstyle. precious you look like your boyfriend...but with tits and a vagina.

Who knows, next thing everyone is going to start doing is getting dreads. Now that I dig!

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